Are you experiencing SOUL LOSS?

Do you feel like something is missing – an aspect of yourself that you know will help you move forward, but no matter how much you search, there still feels like something is missing?

There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the more common ones would be dissociation, where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive and fully engaged in life. Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, post-traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that just does not heal. Addictions are also a sign of soul loss. We seek external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside us, whether through substances, food, relationships, work, or buying material objects.

Anytime someone says, “I have never been the same since a particular event,” and they don’t mean this in a good way, soul loss has probably occurred.

Soul loss equals lost vitality.

It is believed that whenever we suffer an emotional or physical trauma in our lives, a part of our soul flees the body to survive the experience. The definition of soul that I am speaking of is our true essence, our life force, the part of our vitality that keeps us alive and thriving.

Types of trauma that could cause modern-day soul loss include sexual, physical, mental or emotional abuse. Other causes could be an accident, being in a war, being a victim of a terrorist act, acting against our morals, being in a natural disaster, surgery, addictions, divorce, heartbreak, betrayal, death of a loved one, near-death experiences.

Any event that causes you to experience extreme shock could cause soul loss. It is important to note that what may cause one individual’s soul loss may not cause soul loss in another.

Soul loss is our body's natural coping technique—it’s self-preservation, and it is actually a good thing that happens in extreme circumstances. It is how we are able to survive extreme pain. 

I invite you to book a Soul Retrieval with me today. Your Soul Retrieval session is designed to call those parts of self that have been severed and forgotten, back home. So you can remember, understand and integrate the true root of your suffering, and fully heal. To learn more click HERE.


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