1:1 Shamanic Medicine Retreats

r e c o g n i z e . r e l e a s e . r e c l a i m

Welcome to the jungle, to the journey of your personal evolution and transformation!

The retreats I offer are intense journeys into deep healing that help to clear the root cause of emotional blocks and trauma, allowing you to live in a more authentic and natural way. Much of our experience of life is determined by limiting beliefs that have imprinted on us in the past. Both; energy medicine and shamanic medicine teaches us the time honoured rituals and rhythms needed to show us these old patterns and ways of being. They also help us to recognize, release and reclaim our personal power due to soul loss. When we integrate these newly updated belief systems and patterns; along with the reclaimed parts of the self by way of remembrance; the outcome is a newfound, enriched, more wholesome and open-hearted approach to life.

Throughout these retreats, you will have full access to the tools and techniques I have acquired over the past 20 years dedicated to honing my craft on my path of service. You will have the opportunity to experience cranio-sacral therapy and shamanic healing practices; in combining these healing modalities, you will embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being and inner harmony. The length of your stay will determine the experiences you may have, which could include guided shamanic journeys, soul retrieval sessions, light therapy, frequency and sound healing.

There is power in being seen, being heard, being held and being honoured in your healing journey.

My intention in offering these in depth 1:1 retreats is to hold safe and sacred space; while facilitating a responsible trauma informed journey with compassion and impeccability.  It is my belief that being safe and supported while you explore and receive deep healing is a human right, as well as a birth rite.

These medicine retreats provide you with a safe and supported space to explore and integrate the profound healing that comes with psychedelics, indigenous medicines and deep healing practices. No matter where you are in your process these retreats will provide you the optimal time and space to deepen your relationship to the medicine, to the earth and to yourself.

Bridging our spirituality with our humanity is what is being asked of us at this time; both individually and collectively.

We must remember that these are spiritual medicines; they require and deserve to be administered and recieved with reverence. It is important to be in right relationship to the earth, the cosmos, the medicine and to the self when embarking on this path to self awareness and healing. Indigenous medicines and psychedelics can help to open the door to these otherwise unattainable parts of ourselves and our healing path; but we are still required to step through and do the deep and transformative work. During our time together you will have the opportunity to work with  indigenous medicines such as; Cacao, Rapé, Kambo, and Bufo as previously discussed in the build of your 1:1 retreat. Although medicine is a beautiful addition to this experience, it is in not necessary to work with any or all of them if you do not wish to.  Deep healing can be found through other shamanic practices of altered states that results in profound healing, self awareness, and reclamation.

Enjoying good food, adequate rest, and relaxation are essential components of the journey!

Throughout your stay, you will be nurtured in body, mind, and spirit. Everything about your time spent in this retreat is intended to serve as medicine; including time spent in nature, food, deep relaxation and rest. You will have time to simply be with oneself; to do that deep inner listening that is necessary while in this process of expansion and embodiment. You will enjoy delightful, nutritious, and home-cooked meals tailored specifically to your dietary requirements and preferences.  After a long day, unwind in a cozy private room with stunning views of the jungle, ocean, and night sky. It's the perfect place to relax, reflect, and enjoy a peaceful night's sleep.

Continued integration is essential for radical transformation.

Your Shamanic Healing Retreat will be a time of deep healing and transformation. It is a journey that will ask for and require spaciousness to unfold as awareness is incorporated into your body, into your being and into your life. A new version of you has been born, a new way of doing is arising and it can take time to become familiar, comfortable and confident with this new sense of self.

Our collaboration will continue to evolve following our in person time together, based on the retreat you select. It is my belief that intentional integration work when delving into deep healing and transformation is crucial. By dedicating time and space for your integration process you are setting the stage for authentic healing and radical transformation.

In our subsequent virtual sessions, you will have the opportunity to continue to explore and incorporate your retreat experience into your daily life. Through the lens of shamanism; during this phase, we will continue to address any emerging concerns and issues so you can move with more ease and grace in your life.

It is imperative to approach this transformative period; as well as the new version of you with openness and patience, recognizing that this too is a part of your personal growth and development.

Embracing and embodying your authentic self is your innate privilege, your birth rite.

Let this serve as an investment in your health and overall well-being. Take this opportunity to focus on self-discovery and healing; with curiosity and wonder embrace whatever emerges during your journey. Allow yourself to be open to new experiences and growth. Remember that self-discovery is a continuous process, each step you take invites more joy, ease and glory into your life. This is a time to prioritize yourself; to get in touch with your deepest desires, to dream and to create a new life. Embrace this journey with an open heart, an open mind and be gentle with yourself as you navigate the path ahead.

You are worthy.

Th r e e j o u r n e y s t o c h o o s e f r o m . . .

Remember Who You Are.

Option 1:

If this is your first time retreating with me; welcome, you belong here. Let this be your invitation to dive in and allow yourself to guided deeper into your humanity while sitting with sacred medicine. This is an opportunity for you to recognize, release and reclaim various aspects of your self and your story. It is the time for you to be discerning; to evaluate you life, to be honest with where you in the moment and be willing to let go of that which is no longer serving you. This retreat by design is a time and space that is here to promote ease and grace in your body, in your being and in your life. It is an opportunity for you to awaken to who you are, to your belonging and to your humanity; it is a time for you to create a connection to the earth, to nature and to a higher power.

During this two night, three day Shamanic Medicine retreat, if you opt to participate in sacred medicine rituals, you will have the opportunity to experience three sessions of Kambo and one Bufo Ceremony; along with other healing plant medicines and energy medicine sessions.

This retreat includes a one month integration package. You will receive two bi-weekly virtual calls, 45 mins each. A digital online SoulWork guide; with journal prompts and personal ceremonies. As well as an invitation to gather monthly in community with other like-minded retreat guests at a virtual SoulFire ceremony; here you will have the opportunity to witness and be witnessed in your continued growth and collective healing.

Option 2:

If you have retreated with me in the past; welcome back, I am looking forward to continuing the journey! This immersion has been designed to offer you a refresh of medicine, deep healing and connection. The intention here is rejuvenation that further promotes remembrance and reclamation that will bring opportunity for greater clarity, purpose, and belonging. If you choose to work with medicine during this overnight retreat you will have the opportunity to sit with one session of Kambo and a Bufo ceremony; along with other beautiful and soulful medicines.

This retreat includes a one month integration package. Two bi-weekly virtual calls. 30 mins each. A digital online SoulWork guide; includes journal prompts and personal ceremonies. As well as an invitation to gather monthly in community with other like-minded retreat guests at a virtual SoulFire ceremony; here you will have the opportunity to witness and be witnessed in your continued growth and collective healing.

Option 3:

If you're a new or existing client looking to alchemize yourself and your life, this exclusive retreat is the perfect opportunity for you! There are many beautiful indigenous and psychedelic medicines to safely explore that can bring expansion, awareness and healing during our time together. With that said; not everyone desires or requires these medicines to drop in recognize, release and reclaim parts of themselves; you will always have the option to do a “no medicine” retreat. 

Remember, you are the original medicine needed in the world at this time. Your unique essence, your energy, your expression is the healing salve that is required; it is up to you how you choose to embrace the journey and show up. The path to self-awareness involves realizing that you have the power to transform yourself, your life, and positively impact the world around you.

This custom retreat build-out is the epitome of personalization; you have the opportunity to envision, design, and immerse yourself in a healing retreat curated to match your unique essence and needs. To fully immerse in and explore the depth of this retreat your stay here in the jungle with me begins but is not limited to 6 nights, 7 days. Giving you time and to visit sacred locations and significant immersive spots in nature to reflect, gain wisdom and support your individual healing, the healing of humanity and the healing of the earth.

This retreat includes a one month integration package. You will receive two bi-weekly virtual calls, 45 mins each. A digital online SoulWork guide; with journal prompts and personal ceremonies. As well as an invitation to gather monthly in community with other like-minded retreat guests at a virtual SoulFire ceremony; here you will have the opportunity to witness and be witnessed in your continued growth and collective healing.