Soul Retrieval

When you feel lost, it’s because you need to remember who you are.

How can you truly heal your pain if you don’t remember where it came from?

Maybe you’ve been suffering for as long as you can remember but you’ve never been able to pinpoint why. Maybe you’ve begun to wonder if a part of your past was lost. Sometimes our minds forget the trauma we’ve experienced, yet our bodies always remember and tell us through manifesting physical or emotional illness. This can take shape in our lives as disease, depression, or anxiety.

Soul Retrieval is designed to call those parts of you that you’ve forgotten, back home. So you can remember, understand the true root of your suffering, and fully heal.

What You Can Expect

With the help of ancient shamanic guides, I enter a trance state to retrieve the parts of yourself that have been severed off in traumatic moments from your past. I bring back these pieces to you and help you to reclaim them as healed, whole, and holy.

Before closing, I’ll share the tools you’ll need to fully integrate your fragments into completion.

Remote Session

A Two-Part Offering

Meet with Rebecka via Zoom call for your initial consultation prior to the first 90-min soul retrieval session. Have an integration check-in within the next week.

$325 USD

Remote Bundle

Six Sessions & Six Integration

Meet with Rebecka via Zoom call for one soul retrieval and one integration check-in call per month over the course of six months.

$1650 USD

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Client Testimonials


“I had never done shamanic healing before, and it felt like the right time to reach out. We did a shamanic soul retrieval - it was my first time doing something like that. Both times, while the session was going on, I was feeling energy moving in all different parts of my body.

I was getting clues as to the trauma root of that energy. It was really helpful. Both times miraculously coincided with other things happening in my life at the time that were really intense. This work really helped me see the common thread of those challenges and lessons that were coming up and to start to work to heal them.

— Jean-Paul

Working with Rebecka was profound. She immediately went straight to the part of me that needed work. To have someone hone in so specifically on the part of me that needed it was a big relief. There was an energetic regrouping for me. I had an experience where it felt like 10 minutes and it had been our whole 60-minute session. 

She was really wonderful in outlining what would make a really good space and what it is to set up sacred space. I received really great detailed notes from her, plus practices to do the work.  I left the sessions wanting to come back for more. They’re never the same - they’re subtle yet really profound shifts.”

— Allie Savage

“What brought me to this holistic way was I was unsure of where I was at in my life. I saw how comfortable Rebecka was with who she was and figured that if she could help me navigate what I was feeling then I would have a better understanding of who I was as well. I needed guidance.

She’s able to go into all sorts of different energies and find out exactly what I need to heal. My experience was amazing. I was able to get guidance on where I was and feel comfortable with what my journey is right now. I was very scared and worried. She was able to tell me where I was, what was going on, and some things that needed to be done.”

— Jaimie Betterton