Becoming The Wild Woman.

Becoming The Wild Woman, I am.

It has taken me years to find my Wild Woman; that piece of myself that had been buried so deeply in the depths of my being that she was unrecognizable. Years of letting go of old patterns, beliefs and traumas that kept her tethered and tormented inside.  Years of feeling trapped in a life that was consumed with pain and suffering.  Years of learning to simply allow myself to be in those intense emotions and years of learning how to navigate my way through it all.

I remember the day I chose to listen to that Wild Woman screaming from within; that was the day that I chose to live.  There was a death that day. A death of an old version of myself that did not know how to go on without a life of suffering and  it was in that death the rise of my Wild Woman was born.

I had been searching for her for so long but had no idea of how to reach her. How to connect to her essence, her vitality, her strength and her guidance. It was when I had heard a voice from somewhere deep inside asking me whether I wanted to truly live or die because merely existing was no longer my option that I heard her for the first time. The choice seemed to take longer than one would think; it was a moment in time where my life flashed before me in a single blink that felt like an eternity. It was in that moment of making a conscious decision to truly live that I was granted access to my Wild Woman. I became curious, more trusting of her intuition and of her presence; which led me to allowing myself to surrender, receive and remember who I am.

She revealed to me the most amazing potential of being a woman. She gave me permission to lean in and accept myself and my life whole heartedly.  She taught me to be a creator, a healer, a visionary and warrior in pursuit of a life worth living—my life. She freed me up to dance, to sing, to move freely and express my entirety; with ease and joy. She taught me of transformation and living a big, bold and vibrant life; a life filled with awe, wonder and adventure.

It is in this remembering, this embrace of all the parts of myself that I finally connected to my belonging. Belonging as a woman.  Belonging as an individual.  Belonging in community. Belonging as a human on the earth and in the world that I am continuously and consciously creating.

Are you feeling the call of your Wild Woman?  Is she asking you to join her on a journey of healing and transformation? If so, your adventure is just beginning and new way of being is about to be born.  If you would like support in the process of becoming; navigating your way through the initiation of death and rebirth; I am here, let me show you how!


The Dark Night Of The Soul—Survival Guide