What Is Spiritual Consciousness?

What is Spiritual Consciousness, how do we tap into it and what does it feel like when we have attained it? First; we must acknowledge that consciousness of The Soul and The Divine God lives within each of us. Most of us are aware of physical consciousness; it includes our body, our thoughts passing through our mind, and the environment of the world around us.

But, as humans we are so much more than just our body and mind, we are actually an embodiment of a conscious entity known as, The Soul. The Soul is a part of the original Source and it lives within each of us,  it is the vital energy that enlivens the human form.  In recognizing and accepting that this higher energy lives within you, you connect energetically to all other living beings.  

Everyone hopes to hear the voice of spirit calling to them and be able to understand its messages but that is a skill that must be crafted. Not everyone has the good fortune of being able to access the wisdom teachings and traditions to train the habit mind in a disciplined and spiritual manner.  Nor do they possess the dedication required to put the teaching into daily practice.

When we tap into our spiritual consciousness we experience qualities of the divine such as unconditional love, peace, unity, bliss, and freedom from fear.  By learning to access this state of awareness we expand our capacity to fully love ourselves, others, and all of creation. 

One way we can tap in to connect to spiritual consciousness is through the dedicated practice of meditation. By going inward, deepening our focus and attention we are able to connect to our true essence. It is in this state of being that we recognize this divine energy within to be the source of all unconditional love. Unbound by time, space, or the body, the higher self or the soul provides the direct link in the communication between the self and spiritual consciousness. 

People differ only in their sensitivity and ability to connect to divine consciousness. When we are able to breathe, cultivate stillness in the body, mind, and spirit to connect to that innate presence within, we create a quiet space where we can tap into the divine and feel supported to elevate to a may spiritually awakened sense of self.

You will know you have arrived in this space because you will remember the feeling of home that resides here. It is here that you will learn to have more compassion, understanding, and acceptance of who you are. The more you operate from this way of being, the more you will find your life flows smoothly with fewer distractions.


The Modern-Day Shaman